I, for one, have been waiting for a book like this for a long time. This quite large, hard cover book is a comprehensive guide for anyone seriously interested in planting any number of plants or trees for small areas up to a whole garden or farm for the benefit of honey-bees and other pollinating insects.
It is available through a number of sources and retails for $175. |
This large hard-cover manual is the most contemporary book of it’s kind available at present.
It covers all of the required information for beginners. As well as all the usual information you would expect a book for beginners to cover it also contains chapters on: preparing honey for sale, sustainable beekeeping, the bee friendly garden and native bees. Second Edition now available - includes Flow-Hive information. |
Co-author Russell Goodman is a bee keeping legend in Victoria, he produced a version of the guide in the 1970s and has been working with the honey bee industry on behalf of the Victorian Government for over forty years.
The guide is available for download free of cost and is available at www.rirdc.gov.au. |
This book is as much an ultimate guide to the practical essentials of beekeeping as it is a beautiful almanac to be read from cover to cover. Part history book, part handbook, and part cookbook, this illustrated tome covers every facet of the ancient hobby of beekeeping, from how to manage hives safely to harvesting one's own honey, and ideas for how to use honey and beeswax.
Contact Us
St Peters Anglican Church Hall, Cnr McCartin & Bruce Sts Leongatha VIC |
Committee 2024-2025
President: Andy Teitge - email - 0437 035 558 VP Bron Barton - email - 0433 035 143 Secretary: Anna Jones - email - 0411 770 062 Treasurer: Jackie Checkley - email - 0428 515 396 Swarm Coordinator John Riske - 0421 107 951 Club Meetings 2nd Thursday of the Month @ 7.30pm with Beginner's Group at 7pm |